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Charlotte Shanti, Energy Frequency Tuning Kinesiology

Educators, Kinesiologists

Since 2012 Charlotte Shanti has worked as a professional kinesiologist utilizing many different modalities with a particular focus on allergies and EHS (electromagnetic hypersensitivity). In 2014 she was involved in opening a portal to the Golden Child Energy, which led her to the ethereal community City of Light. With a new found passion for the dimensional system she began teaching her own courses integrating ascension spirituality and traditional kinesiology. Kinesiology in the 5th dimension has not been previously described and she has started this work. It has its challenges because it does not immediately resemble any known kinesiology and cannot be "squeezed" into any known forms. Working with kinesiology in the 5th dimension is playfully easy, creative and a free form of kinesiology that works outside of time and space. Charlotte Shanti has named it ©️Energy Frequency Tuning Kinesiology. Since 2017 she is an Instructor in Danish Kinesiologists and has been teaching her own kinesiology courses

She also works as City of Light Golden Age Transformation Teacher and has created the course Golden Age Master Class for anyone using muscle testing and wishing to level up to dimensional energies and frequencies as a practitioner. She also hosts Ascension Star Seeds Meetings with high energy frequencies She resides in Denmark close to nature in a 160 year old school building in the outskirts of a nature reserve by the sea with wife, Border Collie and a flock of sheep. She has always been spiritually curious and engaged in the question "Who am I". This has led her on 16 travels to India and other spiritually highly vibrant places like Tibet, Greenland and Kauai, Hawai'i.

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