Dr.h.c. Ilona Várhidi
A few words on Sub Rosa and Kinesiology
In October 1996 Sub Rosa Ability Developing Center was founded with the objective to help people in resolving their different problems and to make the methods of Three In One Concepts – One Brain, Touch For Health, Stress Release, Numerology (Personality analysis on grounds of numbers), Holistic Drawing Course ( developing our creativity) known also in Hungary.
I am Ilona Várhidi, Kinesiology trainer since 1994, skilled One Brain trainer, acknowledged international Three In One facilitator, Touch for Health master instructor, Stress Release – Wellness consultant, Numerologist, REIKI Master, Holistic Drawing Teacher, since 1985 member of Association of Hungarian Creative Artists, since 2005 authorized Mataphysical Special Life Management Consultant acknowledged by International and Hungarian Scientific Metaphysical Training and Research Institute and Association – special advisor –, I help in learning these methods.
I train in basic and advanced level courses on One Brain methodology, mini courses listed below, Holistic Artist Training and personality analysis methodology of Numerology. There is also a new course edited by me, I am authorized to train it with the approval of Three In One Concepts. It is named “Beyond Time”.
Recently I work together with several highly skilled trainers with the goal of accomplishing our original objectives. We help people in getting back their openness to changes and ability to change so that they can accomplish their objectives both in their outer and inner lives.
We can help those who are ready to change and to open towards themselves and to let “wellness” into themselves. Change is a process. As Lao-ce says: “Each 1000 km begins with one step”.nThis step is the most difficult to do because first we have to change ourselves to it.
You can find me on: Facebook-Personal pagenSubrosa Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/subrosa.training.center/