Reili Hellmold – kinesiologische Beratungspraxis
Methods used: Health Kinesiology, Geopathic Stress, Business Kinesiology, Systemic Coaching, Transformational Kinesiology, R.E.S.E.T., Brain Gym, Touch for Health
I am a Meridianum certified kinesiologist. (https://www.meridianum.de/)
In my practice, my focuses are
- kinesiological life coaching
- business coaching
- learning coaching.
Apart from that, I am an author and love holding workshops and teaching. Furthermore, I am a German-English-German translator at congresses and other events.
I am part of the team of excellence for accompanying kinesiologists at the DGAK and member of the kinesiologist network Rhein-Main (https://kinesiologie-rhein-main.de/).
Contact Information
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