Office Manager Antonietta Bowles
Why am I active in IASK?
It is a privilege to be a part of a world-wide network of like-minded people with Kinesiology at the centre of their world. I am excited to connect and explore with the professional members of the association internationally. I feel a sense of togetherness and expertise within this group, and I look forward to supporting the board and members to continue and grow the collaboration between members.
About me as a Kinesiologist and my business.
My corporate background found me specialising in Customer Service and Account Management which in the later years of my corporate world lead to some interesting and complex projects.
My love for Kinesiology and Nutrition started back in the late 90’s and ran alongside my corporate life. I qualified as a Touch for Health practitioner in 1998 and in time I qualified as an instructor under the great tuition of Sandy Gannon. I also combine my Kinesiology practice with Natural Nutrition, I find together they help me guide people so they can take control of their lives and maintain their health. Movement of energy is so amazing that I sometimes cannot believe the results in people when they connect with their inner self.
I’m a true believer that healing happens from within and sometimes people need a helping hand to show them how to connect with it and to remind them of the wisdom they have forgotten. I aim to touch people in the ways that will benefit their view of health and to take control for what is right for them so they can heal from the inside out and overall to learn how to maintain good health.
I love to share the knowledge of Kinesiology, Natural Nutrition techniques and more recently the healing benefits of our earths gifts through essential oils.
The lock down times took us all thorough a reflection process which pushed me to grow my business in a different way so I could continue to connect with people when they needed it most. I now offer in person or online 1-1 sessions and courses that educate people on tools to help them with their daily lives and focused transformational long-term programmes.
Kinesiology Modalities:
Touch for Health practitioner and instructor in Berkshire, UK
Other practices:
Advanced Natural Nutrition Practitioner and currently training under The College of Functional Wellness for Kinesiology and Nutrition.
Courses I deliver:
- Touch for Health 1, 2, 3 & 4
- Heal your Gut 30 Day Programme – including Kinesiology supporting techniques
- Seasonal 6 Day Cleanses – including Kinesiology supporting techniques
- Education on essential oils the natural alternative to the home medicine cabinet
- “Through my work my vision is to help raise people’s energy so they can take control and reclaim their health to create a life they want to live with deeper levels of health, happiness and freedom.”