Office Manager
Since 2010 I’ve been working as a massage terapist, reflexologist and cranio sacral terapist. Kinesiology have been a part of my practice since 2016, at a time when I realized that I every now and then had to pass my clients to other kinesiologists with some imbalances.
Though the years I’ve been amazed of the power of the human body and the tecnics of kinesiology. And now my clients can get the help they need at my practice.
I’ve earlier had the pleasure to work as an office manager at one of the biggest kinesiology schools in Sweden and I Iove to connect with our new and old students and to see them grow personally, in their businesses and as Kinesiologiests.
And now I’m really excited to be able to do the same at a global level at IASK and to be of service for our members all over the world.