Boardmember Lisbeth Ingeman Sørensen Denmarc
Why am I active in IASK
I am in IASK because I want to be part of the global kinesiology community, be in touch with colleagues around the world and be part of strengthening the bonds between kinesiologists across borders of countries, continents and modalities.
About me as a kinesiologist, my business
A student of kinesiology since 2016 and a certified kinesiologist since december 2018, I have been very fortunate to learn from some of the best and most experienced teachers, especially Annemarie Goldschmidt. I am initially a teacher, have a MA in Philosophy of Education and have worked with children, young people and families for many years.
I work with clients in the area of Copenhagen and give presentations on kinesiology.
Kinesiology modalities: Paedagogical Kinesiology 1 and 2, Blue Print and Healing Principles (Educating Alternatives), Kropsafbalancering/Touch for Health, Holographic Touch for Health, The Brain – Our greatest resource 1, Transforming DNA Memories, Return to Love, Balancing Nutrition and Toxicity.
Instructor of: Paedagogical Kinesiology 1 and 2, Paedagogical Kinesiology for Teachers, Transforming DNA Memories and Return to Love.
I believe kinesiology has a lot to offer the world of today. In Denmark we talk a lot about how to live more sustainably, and in my opinion you can not have outer sustainability without working with inner sustainability and balance. Through kinesiology we can balance our ”inner climate” so we can experience ourselves as part of a greater environment and know how to take care of it.