Please use the table below to see the different offerings for each of our subscriptions and which one best suits your requirements and needs.

KinesiologistEducators: School & Instructors AssociationsStudent
For WhomInstructors and schools which are members of IASK can offer this type of membership to their students.

Students can take this option if the educator or school they are associated with are members of IASK.

This offering can only be taken up ONE time.

You will then be invited to join IASK as a regular member.

Cost42 / 21 Euro Cost 105 / 42 Euro 105 Euro 0 Euro
DurationYearlyYearlyYearly6 Months
Listing, visibility1 listing under kinesiologistSchool: 1 under “educators” and 2 under “kinesiologists” /
Instructor: 1 under “Educators” & 1 under “kinesiologist”
1 Listing under associationNo listing
BadgesCertificate to download,
Logotype for practitioners
Gold standard international schoolGold standard international associationNO award
Cup of Coffee, forYou will be able to attend the Cup of Coffee gatherings live or access the recordings at your convenience

For anyone: participating live
Only for IASKmembers: access to recordings and any related material

You will be able to attend the Cup of Coffee gatherings live or access the recordings at your convenience

For anyone: participating live
Only for IASK members: access to recordings and any related material

Can invite their members to our COC, but will not have access to the recordings

For anyone: participating live
Only for IASK members: access to recordings and any related material

Will be able to attend the Cup of Coffee events live but will not have access to the recordings
Cup of Coffee, byCan plan and host a CoCSchools and instructors: Can plan and host a CoC
MoA, forRepresentatives of the associations,
Get the recording
MoS, forInstructors and School Representatives
get the recording
Calendar of eventsCan promote own eventsCan promote own events
Can inviteCan invite their students to become student membership
Social Media
This can be promoted in a newsletter and social media if you organize an event for IASK, such as the cup of coffeeThis can be promoted in a newsletter and social media if you organize an event for IASK, such as conferences
Added benefitThe knowledge that all over the world there are people working in the same wayThe knowledge that all over the world there are people working in the same wayThe knowledge that all over the world there are people working in the same wayThe knowledge that all over the world there are people working in the same way
Links to researchCan download research material (not ready)Can download research material (not ready)
GrantCan applyCan applyCan apply
HubsCan take part in a hub (working group between board members and IASK members)Can take part in a hub (working group between board members and IASK members)Can take part in a hub (working group between board members and IASK members)
IASK conferencesNormally get a 10% discount on conference feeMembers on our listings get our 10% discount on conference fee
IASK conferencesMay apply to present “our best ideas” at the conferenceMay apply to present “our best ideas” at the conference
Own LOGOAny School can submit their logo to be included on the banner at the bottom of our home pageAll associations can submit their logo to be included on the banner at the bottom of our home page
Get updates
(Country reports, discussions on school and organisation level)
Specific newsletter for
Members potentially in the
Specific newsletter for
Educators potentially in the
They are included in the recipient list for ALL members, but they can be included in a recipient list specific for Associations. This keeps them updated on what is going on internationally. Other ideas:
(NL, MoA, Membership area)
InterviewsPioneers, founding fathers,
honorary members etc,
former members of IASK
will be interviewed. This will add
international visibility on
Social Media and web-
Will be in interviewed and this
will add international visibility
on Social Media and web
This offers interest an
integrity to their school /
Will be in interviewed and this will add international visibility on Social Media and web

Putting interest an integrity to their association

Country reportsAccess to country reports

# Hard facts, numbers, data
# Soft facts, what is going on now