Sabine Rosén, President, Sweden
Why am I active in IASK?
Because the joy of it! I want to spend my days in life, to create good things together with others. In IASK there is a really nice energy among the fellow members: associations, schools and private kinesiology practitioners. I like the idea of IASK to provide space to connect, worldwide. There is always a new angle of perspective that is interesting to learn or to provide, when sharing ideas or going deep in a collaborative kinesiology project.
About me as a Kinesiologist and my business.
+30.000 sessions – that is where I have collected my experience as a kinesiologist, working in my clinic since 1991. My strength is possibly the ability to see good things in others, and to cooperate with these great persons. Therefore, I can hold the position as president in IASK, at the same time that I run 4 business in Sweden.
- A school where one branch of education paths is the vocational training for professional kinesiologists.
- A health care center with 20 therapists of different kinds
- A personal clinic, specialized for persons with complex pain, and disorders in the immune- and hormone system (allergies, infertility for example)
- A web shop offering deep knowledge about nutrition + natural health products
I have developed an integrative system, “Spine & Bodyflow Kinesiology” that helps my students to add in their own strengths and unique skills together with Kinesiology. My own training beside being a professional kinesiologist, is that I have 4 other health related vocational trainings: I am a massage therapist, nutritionist, herbalist and acupuncturist.
But, above all, I am just Sabine, enjoying life and all great things in it.
“I love to collaborate with others, and creatively go into meaningful projects – also, I love just spending time with these persons. I have a warm “thank you” in my heart for those who in their special way are contributing to spread all possibilities kinesiology has to transform lives.”