Canadian Association of BioEnergetic Wellness

As a not-for-profit Association, our purpose is to serve and support our members in pursuit of knowledge and skill development; provide regular networking opportunities for members – sharing information, ideas, resources and inspiration; set Standards of Practice for bioenergetic wellness throughout Canada; promote and inform the public about their opportunities to choose and include bioenergetic wellness in personal quality of life choices. advocate for bioenergetic wellness to ensure choice for all Canadians – at provincial and federal levels of government; and collaborate with other bioenergetic wellness organizations (‘Partner Organization’).

Antonietta Bowles – TFH Instructor

I am a Touch for Health Foundation Instructor teaching Levels 1 – 4.

Based in Maidenhead, Berkshire, UK.

My next courses are as follows: 


TFH 2 – 20th & 21st April 2024

TFH 3 –  July 2024

TFH4 –  Oct 2024


All classes run 9:30 to 18:00

Come and join this transformative weekend through the vibration of Touch for Health Energy.

Sharing the wisdom John Thie who said:

“I hope to pass my light along to you so your candle in turn may illuminate the way for others” ~ John Thie


Ursula L. Mildenberger

Modalities used: Three In One Concepts®, TfH®, Psych-K®, Emotion Code®, Brain Gym®, Reset® Three In One Concepts Inc. TfH Termine-Ausbildung-Workshops

Kinesiologie Nicole Bernhauser

Kinesiologe Touch for Health Instructor, Brain Gym(R) Instructor, Brain Gym(R) Movement Facilitatorm, Hyperton-X Fußsensoren (10) Instructor Verwendete Modalitäten: Brain Gym, Touch for Health, Hyperton X, RESET, Energetik nach TCM, Mentaltraining, Shiatsu in Ausbildung

Andrea Kovács

Ha még mindig keresed azt a személyt, aki megváltoztatná az életedet, vess egy pillantást a tükörbe.” Roman Price

Kovács Andi vagyok, facilitátorként a kineziológia One Brain és Touch for Health ágaival, Bach virágterápiával, spirituális tanácsadással és stresszoldással foglalkozom.

Az „Ugorj a Békákkal” gyermektanfolyam oktatója és a Magyarországi Kineziológusok Szövetségének tagja vagyok. Testünk jelzéseiről, spirituális összefüggésekről, kineziológiai módszerekről rendszeresen tartok előadásokat.

Kineziológiai oldáson, önismereti- és képességfejlesztő tanfolyamaimon, workshopjaimon találkozhatsz velem.

Marcia Fletcher

I work with individuals presenting with a range of health and emotional issues. During the covid outbreak, I offered Zoom sessions which I have continued to offer as well as returning to face to face sessions with my clients here in the UK. I am a current director of the Kinesiology Federation and passionate about promoting the benefits of kinesiology to all ages and nationalities. My kinesiology career spans 20 years to include being a Touch for Health Instructor since 2003, studied Touch for Health, Classical Kinesiology, Emotional Freedom Technique.   Other qualifications include: ONC in Biology, Functional Biochemistry, HNC Business Administration, Diploma in Marketing Professional bodies: Kinesiology Federation, IASK, Chartered Institute of Marketing

Frances Sweeney

I help people heal with Wellness Kinesiology, Reiki and Intuitive Healing therapies. I also teach Reiki courses to bring healing into your life. These therapies clear and balance energy patterns in the body related to disease. When we are not at ease with ourselves, we become unwell. Energy healing compliments conventional medicine, helping people find real solutions to health problems. I help babies, children and adults live a healthy, happy life.